Welcome to Archway North Phoenix
Parent Service Organization

On behalf of the Parent Service Organization Executive Board and Archway North Phoenix Academy, we are delighted to welcome you to the 2024/2025 school year!

Your 2024/2025 PSO Executive Board:
Dawn Ferguson– President
Erica Oliphant– Vice President
Caroline Marshall – Vice President
LaShon Bryant– Secretary
Ashley Beaudette– Treasurer

Welcome Packet


Links to PSO initiatives:

Parent Ambassador Program:

The Parent Ambassador Program is for new families, like you! We hope to connect you with a returning family who can answer your questions and help guide your transition to Archway North Phoenix. We typically organize summer outings to encourage new and returning families to connect in-person; however, on the wake of current safety restrictions, are working on other types of activities to connect families until in-person gatherings are possible.If you would like sign up for this program, please email ambassador@anppso.org.

We are so excited you’ve joined our school community. Questions? Please feel free to reach out, we are happy to connect with you: info@anppso.org. Also, for more important school news and updates visit us on Facebook by clicking HERE.

Room Parents:
Each classroom has at least one Room Parent who assists in communicating with the class and lessens the load on the teacher and assistant teacher by coordinating volunteer activities.

PSO Business Directory:
Click here for the PSO Business Directory
To have your business included, fill out the Questionnaire below.

Business Directory Questionnaire (we welcome every business owner/entrepreneur to fill this out to be included in our school wide business resource)  If you have a business and would like to Opt in.

*This list is not endorsed by Archway North Phoenix nor the PSO, but provided as a resource to patronize businesses of our Argonaut’s families.

“Get your 10 in” Volunteer Questionnaire https://bit.ly/GetYour10In (be sure to fill this out to be a part of the mom’s club / dad’s club too)

Lunch program https://bit.ly/ANPlunch

Shopping that supports the PSO, and in return our school https://bit.ly/ANPFundraising