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February 26, 2018

2018-2019 School Year Important Dates

2018 -2019 Important Dates Friday, August 3, 2018 Kindergarten Meet and Greet (all Kindergarten students, half day) Friday, August 3, 2018 Meet the Teacher Monday, August 6, 2018 First day of Classes Monday, October 8 -Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Fall Break Monday, October 15 – Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Parent Teacher Conferences Wednesday, October 17,... Read More »

November 2, 2017

A School of Readers

Reading aloud is, according to the landmark 1985 report “Becoming a Nation of Readers,” “the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading.”1 Great Hearts is known for the great literature that students read throughout the course of their years as students.  At the K-6 level, classroom teachers spend... Read More »

November 1, 2017

I Need a Library!

The following is a synopsis of an evening at home with an Archway 1st grader as shared by a parent during conference. Johnny: “Mom, I need money for my field trip tomorrow.” Mom: “Honey (to husband in other room), “can you give Johnny money for his field trip?” Dad:  “Sure” ANP 1st grader: “I need... Read More »

October 30, 2017

Read Out Loud!

The most common question asked of me by parents is “How can I prepare my preschooler to be ready for Kindergarten?” or “What can I do to help prepare my child’s transition to a Great Hearts school?”  My answer to parents is always, “Read out loud to your children, everyday, for as many minutes as... Read More »

October 25, 2017

Great Hearts North Phoenix Read-a-Thon

We are very excited to announce our upcoming Read-A-Thon and Library Fundraiser on November 3rd! This is the first year of many years to come where we will establish the tradition of an annual Read-A-Thon, where students and teachers spend the whole school day both reading and being read to. Students raise money for this... Read More »